In recent years, in the field of scientific research, studies on the properties of plant stem cells have become particularly important. The PhytoCellTec ™ Malus Domestica, the innovative active ingredient used in our
line, is a liposomal preparation made with stem cells obtained from a rare variety of Swiss apple, the Uttwiler Spätlauber, whose
fruit is rich in phytonutrients.
This apple, compared to other varieties, presents a particularity: it does not "wither", because it contains high levels of Stem Cells.
This line is particularly suitable for those who want to regenerate their own skin, as it protects against free radicals, it moisturizes deeply, restores and makes the skin more toned and elastic.

Crema Tonificante Rassodante

Project detail

Project infor

Codice Prodotto TEC009 500 ml.

Contrasta la perdita di tonicità ed elasticità dei tessuti grazie all’azione di preziosi componenti, quali fitoestratto di luppolo, fieno greco ed echinacea. Ripristina l’equilibrio idrolipidico ap- portando sostanze idratanti e difende la cute dall’aggressione di agenti esterni. Usata regolarmente conferisce tonicità, com- pattezza e turgore. Previene l’invecchiamento cutaneo, rassoda e rivitalizza.
Modo d’uso: Applicare massaggiando fino a completo assorbimento.