The glycolic acid is extracted from sugar cane. Its effects help contrasting wrinkles, blemishes deriving from hyperpigmentation, acne, stretch marks and loose skin. It is able to reduce these imperfections by stimulating cell renewing. With a correct use, it exfoliates the more superficial cells, reactivating the synthesis of new elastic fibers and recalling water from the connective tissue under the skin. With the use of glycolic acid, the skin results compact and tonic. During the treatment it is necessary to use a highly protective cream.

HYDRATING myrrh tonic lotion 

Project detail

Extraordinary tonic : it renders the skin tonic and vital thanks to the inherent properties of myrrh and ginseng, besides the presence of some vitamins which carry out a powerful hydrating action: the complexion finds its natural glow.             USE : Tap on the face with a cotton wad morning and evening. For an even more effective action, complete with the hydrating myrrh cream. 

Project infor

Codice Prodotto TEC033 200 ml.
Codice Prodotto 2 TEC048 500 ml.

Lozione tonica idratante arricchita con l’estratto di ginseng, conosciuto per le sue proprietà toniche ed energizzanti. Aiuta la pelle a ritrovare la sua vitalità e rimuove le impurità donando una gradevole sensazione di freschezza.
Modo d’uso: picchiettare sul viso, collo e dècolletè con un dischetto di cotone imbevuto di tonico. Usare dopo aver deterso il viso con latte de- tergente o al mattino per rinfrescare il viso, senza usare l’acqua.