The glycolic acid is extracted from sugar cane. Its effects help contrasting wrinkles, blemishes deriving from hyperpigmentation, acne, stretch marks and loose skin. It is able to reduce these imperfections by stimulating cell renewing. With a correct use, it exfoliates the more superficial cells, reactivating the synthesis of new elastic fibers and recalling water from the connective tissue under the skin. With the use of glycolic acid, the skin results compact and tonic. During the treatment it is necessary to use a highly protective cream.

HYDRATING myrrh serum

Project detail

Intense and concentrated treatment which donates radiant perfection and carries out a significant hydrating function. The combined action of myrrh extract, mallow and calendula with its strong revitalising effect , helps the dull skin find new vitality and radiance. The particularly light texture is easily absorbed making it possible for its concentrated active ingredients to act effectively.

USE . Morning and evening , after cleansing, apply on face, neck and décolleté and rub into the skin until it is completely absorbe.

Project infor

Codice Prodotto TEC030  30ml.

Oltre a riequilibrare il meccanismo di idratazione naturale della cute, questo siero dalla texture leggera e vellutata dona comfort immediato. Un trattamento lenitivo riepitelizzante adatto anche alla pelle più secca e delicata grazie all’associazione del pantenolo con la calendula e la malva. Rinforza la funzione barriera dello strato corneo, trattenendo acqua nell’epidermide.
Modo d’uso: applicare un piccola quantità di prodotto mattina e/o sera, prima della crema su viso, collo e dècolletè. Massaggiare delica- tamente fino a completo assorbimento. Prima del trattamento detergere la pelle con latte e tonico.