AHA Line Exfoliant Regenerating FOR ALL SKIN TYPES (except sensitive and delicate skins)
The alpha hydroxy acids –  also called AHA, are better known as “fruit acids” as they are contained in many types of fruit. The most known are the
glycolic acid, the lactic acid and the citric acid which have effective and demonstrated renewing cosmetic properties. They stimulate the skin renewal,
allowing a rapid cell turnover. Combined together, AHA products are the most effective tool to:
Slow down the aging process, contrast and soften wrinkles, minimize dry signs - Attenuate skin spots and prevent their formation - Convey more light and freshness to the skin - Reduce black spots and skin impurities formation which are typical in youths, thanks to the peeling effect which enables the regulari-
zation of sebum. Dry skins gain back tone, light and limpidity, as the cellular cohesion will be restored and new epidermal cells will be regenerated.
Oily skins find their equilibrium, the epidermis is refined and pores get minimized. Devitalized skins become brighter, toned and signs are attenuated. The treatment with AHA products, if done multiple times per year, increases usual products effectiveness.
It is ideal when used at the end of summer and winter holidays, since sun exposure favours the accumulation of dead cells and the formation of signs and AHA products are delicately exfoliating and smoothing.


Project detail

Body treatment with "shock effect" to fight cellulite at an advanced stage, when the nodules are evident, the skin is thickened and lymphatic circulation is compromised. Apply with a vigorous mas-sage on the critical points to stimulate lipolysis of fat and facilitate drainage of excess fluids. The temperature increase induced by the capsicum stimulates the microcirculation. The phytoextract ivy plays protection and drainage, reducing edema. The phytoextract oak marine brown algae with strong iodofore action, has a lipolytic effect, to visibly reduce the appearance of orange peel. Corn oil has a draining and firming action on the skin tissue. Daily use of this cream gives the tissues a healthy and toned appearance.

Project infor

Codice Prodotto PHY0004 500ml

Body treatment with "shock effect" to fight cellulite at an advanced stage, when the nodules are evident, the skin is thickened and lymphatic circulation is compromised. Apply with a vigorous mas-sage on the critical points to stimulate lipolysis of fat and facilitate drainage of excess fluids. The temperature increase induced by the capsicum stimulates the microcirculation. The phytoextract ivy plays protection and drainage, reducing edema. The phytoextract oak marine brown algae with strong iodofore action, has a lipolytic effect, to visibly reduce the appearance of orange peel. Corn oil has a draining and firming action on the skin tissue. Daily use of this cream gives the tissues a healthy and toned appearance.


Crema corpo “effetto urto” utile per combattere gli inestetismi della cellulite sopratutto in fase avanzata, quando i micronoduli sono evidenti alla palpazione, la pelle ispessita e la circolazione linfatica compromessa. Il trattamento urto si rivolge, pertanto, a tutte le donne che desiderino migliorare l’aspetto della pelle “a buccia d’arancia” e ridurre la circonferenza di gambe-fianchi-pancia. Grazie all’azione sinergica dei principi attivi, questa formula intensiva, con un massaggio energico,sui punti critici, svolge una triplice azione contro gli inestetismi della cellulite: stimola la lipolisi dei grassi facilita il drenaggio dei liquidi in eccesso esplica una leggera iperemia locale favorendo l’azione dei principi attivi contenuti. L’aumento di temperatura indotto dal Capsico consente di stimolare il microcircolo che diviene in tal modo più ricettivo all’azione protettiva e drenante del fitoestratto di Edera con conseguente riduzione dell’edema. Il fitoestratto di Quercia Marina, un’alga bruna dalle spiccate proprietà lodofore esplica un’azione lipolitica, favorendo in tal modo lo scioglimento dei cuscinetti comprimendo visibilmente l’aspetto tipico a buccia d’arancia. Le proprietà emollienti ed elasticizzanti dell’Olio di Semi di Mais contribuiscono a rendere la pelle liscia e levigata. Usata quotidianamente agisce donando ai tessuti un aspetto sano e tonico.

ATTIVI CARATTERIZZANTI: Capsico. Noto come peperoncino è ric- co di vitamine; l’alcaloide più importante è la Pepsicina, che le favorisce il suo sapore pic- cante è usato anche in cosme- tica perché richiama un afflus- so di sangue sulla parte trattata. Esplica la sua funzione princi- palmente sulla circolazione, stimolandola ed esercitando va- sodilatazione.