AHA Line Exfoliant Regenerating FOR ALL SKIN TYPES (except sensitive and delicate skins)
The alpha hydroxy acids –  also called AHA, are better known as “fruit acids” as they are contained in many types of fruit. The most known are the
glycolic acid, the lactic acid and the citric acid which have effective and demonstrated renewing cosmetic properties. They stimulate the skin renewal,
allowing a rapid cell turnover. Combined together, AHA products are the most effective tool to:
Slow down the aging process, contrast and soften wrinkles, minimize dry signs - Attenuate skin spots and prevent their formation - Convey more light and freshness to the skin - Reduce black spots and skin impurities formation which are typical in youths, thanks to the peeling effect which enables the regulari-
zation of sebum. Dry skins gain back tone, light and limpidity, as the cellular cohesion will be restored and new epidermal cells will be regenerated.
Oily skins find their equilibrium, the epidermis is refined and pores get minimized. Devitalized skins become brighter, toned and signs are attenuated. The treatment with AHA products, if done multiple times per year, increases usual products effectiveness.
It is ideal when used at the end of summer and winter holidays, since sun exposure favours the accumulation of dead cells and the formation of signs and AHA products are delicately exfoliating and smoothing.

Tonico Uviox® e Uva Rossa

Project detail

Project infor

Codice Prodotto VIT4530
Note: 200 ml
Applicazione Vitapelle

L’innovativo principio attivo, L’ UVIOX®, unito agli estratti di uva rossa, equiseto e hamamelis creano una lozione addolcente che va oltre la semplice pulizia del viso, rivitalizzando l'aspetto della pelle senza seccarla. Appositamente formulata nel rispetto delle pelli più  sensibili dona una profonda idratazione e immediato benessere e comfort per una pelle pulita, fresca e vellutata.
Modo d’uso: Dopo il latte detergente all’UVIOX ® e uva rossa, applicare il prodotto con un dischetto di cotone su viso, collo e decollettè. Proseguire con il siero e successivamente con la crema viso.
The innovative active principle UVIOX®, together with red grape extracts, equisetum (horsetail) and witch hazel create a soothing lotion beyond merely cleansing, which revitalizes the skin aspect without drying it out.
It is specifically formulated even for the most sensitive skin and it is designed to give deep hydration, immediate comfort and reinvigorating effect. The skin results clear, refreshed and smooth.
How to use: Apply the product with a cosmetic pad on face, neck and cleavage skin, after UVIOX® and red grape face cleansing. Continue your beauty routine with the serum and then with the face cream.